
Showing posts with the label heartbreak

May Kindness Souls Be Treated with Kindness

Today, I witnessed a love that is so great, it transcends life and death. It deeply moved me, making the heartbreak wounds I’ve experienced seem insignificant in comparison. It's Sunday. I had just prepared pork chops for lunch and was about to start eating when I noticed an ambulance come and stop in front of my house. I hurried downstairs and saw them carrying out a stretcher. That tall, thin man was signing some papers, and I started to feel uneasy. The medical personnel asked if there was anything they could help me with. I told them I saw their ambulance pull up here, so I came out to see if there was anything I could do. The neighborhood where I live. Halloween decorations. Since moving into this neighborhood, I’ve gotten to know a Chinese son and his mother. Unlike others, this mother always had a cold expression and never responded to greetings. She would even avoid people whenever she saw them. Her body is also very thin and weak, likely suffering from some sort of mental