
Showing posts from December, 2021

Alice's Tooth Fairy

The internet went out again this afternoon. I went downstairs to ask the landlord, and it turned out the system needed an update. Yes, the optical modem's system needed an update, and it had to be taken to the service station to have the system flashed. This is quite different from my previous experiences. The landlord said she was heading out to the Spectrum service station right away and would be back in about two hours. I said I couldn't work in the meantime, so I might as well go to Costco and stock up on 10 days food. The landlord said, "Great! I need to go to Costco too, let's go together! You can also try out my new car!" ==================== The landlord usually drives a Toyota Sienna , I've seen a lot of these at Google headquarters ---- they’re work vehicles, used for transporting people or goods, with a big number in circulation. It's a standard North American MPV. The landlord just bought a new model of the Sienna, a hybrid. I have to say, thi

The Aftermath of “May Kindness Souls Be Treated with Kindness”

N's mother was discharged from the hospital after about three weeks. During this time, his father, the tall, thin white man, did not appear again, and even N was seldom seen. About a week ago, I met N in the kitchen and asked about her condition. The doctor said she needed to stay in the hospital for three months for treatment. Since another friend of mine had a similar situation, I asked N for more details. If you’ve been a taxpayer in Los Angeles for over a year and the doctor determines that you need treatment at a community hospital, everything is free. If it's severe and requires treatment at a major hospital, it depends on your insurance. I didn't delve further, considering how N might be feeling. ==================== About three days ago, I met N again, and he said his mother could be discharged early. But seeing his expressionless face, I held back my congratulations. Then, the next day, I heard his mother’s screams again. It sounded like long, suppressed moaning, a