Cherry Blossoms


Last night, the hotel sent me a yummy mooncake with a cherry blossom flavor for the Mid-Autumn Festival. I forgot to ask them where I could buy it, but it's very likely that it's not for sale.

Today, I’m leaving Singapore and flying to Los Angeles with ANA.

Why didn’t I choose a direct flight and instead opted for a more cost ANA flight with a layover in Tokyo?
Of course, it's because I wanted to buy Shiseido at Narita Airport, and check out if they have the local Oceanus store(Casio's watch brand). Though I’m not getting my hopes up too much.

Also, I’ve always had a good impression of ANA and Japan, and now that I have the chance, I decided to give it a try.

At 3am, the driver took me to the airport. Singapore's Changi Airport is said to be the best airport in the world, but it's still pretty quiet in the early morning.

I suppose this is because of the epidemc.

I spent some time with a girl from the Philippines, looking for something to eat and so on.

The ANA airport staff had that distinct ANA style, which was really pleasant.

It wasn’t until I boarded the plane that I realized how some Japanese video have unfairly portrayed Japanese women. If Japanese women are like the ones I’ve seen, they are truly beautiful ----not in a way that stirs fantasies or desires, but in a simple and pure sense.

It’s refreshing to appreciate beauty without any underlying desire. I think that’s something truly rare.
It’s a feeling that makes your whole heart bloom.

The safety video I saw on the airplane. I really like it more than I can say.
My favorite about Japan is that they combine tradition and modernity, and they do it so prettily.

However, I also believe those videos has its place. There’s nothing shameful about to release desires, but from now on, I will reevaluate these kinds of works.
They depict a different kind of beauty ---- a beauty born out of basic needs.

When you’re starving, it’s necessary to have a big meal. But during most of the time when I’m not hungry, I choose this simple, pure beauty.

The first time watching the sunrise from the sky.

The first time only asking for ice water, because that pure simplicity is enough ---- everything else feels unnecessary.

The first time purchasing in the sky, since I’ve never encountered something I wanted to buy before.


The layover at Narita Airport was two and a half hours. Compared to time, I had more Japanese yen.
There were three duty-free shops right in front of me,  time to shopping!

The first one was a store that combined digital products and watches. Although I like digital products but don't need to know about them here, so I asked about Oceanus.

The handsome clerk gently gave me an apologetic answer: "Even in the city, not every Casio store carries Oceanus watches. And the duty-free shops have never had them".

Well... as disappointing as I expected, but his gentleness healed me.

The second store was a comprehensive beauty shop. Of course, buy Shiseido products.
It’s cheaper here than in Singapore; you don’t even have to ask for the price, you can just buy with your eyes closed.

The sales even gave me a set of samples and another set of the legendary Ginza series trial products.
I totally scored! In Tianjin, it’s impossible to even get samples or trial products!


Satisfied with my purchases, I went to the third store, a gift shop.

I couldn’t resist to buy T-shirts. But either they didn’t have the designs I liked, or they didn’t have my size.

Many gifts were also out of stock in terms of size or color... Overall, it wasn’t as full to shop there. When I asked about it, the sales said they hadn’t restocked due to the pandemic.

A Daruma doll that has not yet “eye-painting”, which often see in Japanese stores.

What really surprised me was that I found a Daruma that I had always wanted to buy. However, it hadn’t had “eye-painting” and I wasn’t very good at drawing.

So I asked the shop girl if she could help me draw the eyes.

She explained it to me, but due to the language barrier, she was doing her best to explain the process of “eye-painting”. I understood what she was saying and thanked her, saying I would do it on my own later.

When I finished picking out my gifts and was waiting in line to pay, the shop girl ran over and handed me a piece of paper. It turned out to be a freshly printed webpage with instructions on how to “eye-painting” of the Daruma.

At that moment, I looked at her who was blushing and a little shortness of breath... I didn’t even know what to say. I kept repeating how grateful I was.

No wonder I’ve always loved Japan ---- how can anyone not love such a country and its people?


After browsing through the three stores, I noticed a tobacco and liquor shop next door, which I wasn’t interested. So I kept walking... Wait, that’s all? Just those few stores?

Just those few stores.

And I made a mistake ---- I was so focused on shopping that I didn’t leave myself enough time to eat.

When I finally realized that I should grab something to eat, there were only five minutes left before boarding.

The staff told me I still had a bit of time ---- they were prioritizing boarding for people with disabilities, so I had at least five minutes to find something to eat.

But then something completely unexpected happened: all the vending machines at Narita Airport only sell drinks and ice cream!!!

I knew Japanese vending machines were advanced, but I didn’t expect them to only have drinks! ......I'm screwed.

Since I can't eat, I'm going to go exchange my remaining yen for dollars.
The girl at the counter was so cute.

There was a small basket in front of her filled with various origamis.
On top was an origami Pikachu. I picked it up and asked the girl, “What is this?”

Girl: “It’s a character from an anime called Pokémon.”

Me: “Yes, it’s Pikachu. What I meant was, why are these origamis here?”

Girl: “We made them by hand. We hope you take one as a souvenir.”

Ahhh... I couldn’t resist. I took the Pikachu.

(Now this Pikachu is on my door!)

Fortunately, the food on the plane wasn’t as sparse as that staff had said ---- it was enough to be about 70% full....could I swap the ice cream for a burger...

Of course not, and they didn’t have burgers. Instead, they served Japanese meals, which were delicious. The crew even came back to ask if I enjoyed the food.

The service was truly excellent. During the night flight, they almost came by every three minutes, holding drinks to gesture to passengers if they needed a refill.

I didn’t sleep much, just watched the wing outside the window, pointed straight at the Big Dipper. Of course, we were flying east the whole time.


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