Donate for JAPAN

No expect domestic fundraising in China, I do it myself.

During the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, the state and enterprises launched a large number of fundraising and forcing donations. I didn't donate a penny.
The reason is that the using of these donations is not transparent. I can't believe that these funds will not be corrupted--don't tell me that it's good that even 10% funds reach the disaster area and you can donate, that 's you-- but I chose something more meaningful.

Now 3.11 Japan earthquake, no government or organization has asked me to donate, but I want to make this step.
There is a Chinese proverb that "when you drink water, don't forget the person who digs the well." Many items in my life are made in Japan, and they give me a lot of convenience. Japan has given us so much help, and we should help them within our ability.

I trust Google the most. There is already a donation section on Google's special topic page.
However, when I started to choose a location, there was no that country in the list of more than one hundred regions that could be paid by Google. Is this a shame for that country...

Go to the Japan Red Cross site and it is hard to access due to the earthquake. Search for donate with 0 results. A donation page was found with the help of a Japanese-speaking friend. But it said that the account is being opened and preparing, please wait.

Update: It seems that it is possible to register Google checkout with Hong Kong instead of that country, I still want to wait for the news of the Japan Red Cross.

Update2: The Japan Red Cross published its account number, but there is no option for Paypal payment. I signed up for Google checkout to complete the donation.



Finally, reproduced an article here written by a netizen Jovi in the evening of the 11th.

He compared the views and behaviors of that contry and Japan on earthquake. This article has a lot of irony, however it is what it is.

Japan earthquake.
Japan's NHK keeps broadcasting, aftershock forecast, tsunami warning, and casualties. It was broadcast live in a building where the aftershocks continued to shake violently, and everything was falling down.

That contry earthquake.
The TV station kept broadcasting, the leader attached great importance and came to the scene in person. This earthquake really really happened just once in a century. Love is boundless, everyone works together to rebuild homes, disaster exercise our country...

Japan earthquake.
Japan's Suntory Corporation announced that all Suntory's vending machines can get water or food for free with the touch of a button. Immediate response from other companies.

That contry earthquake.
Company A donated 100 million, Group B donated 200 million, and C Co., Ltd. donated 300 million. Where is the money finally went to?

Japan earthquake.
Naoto Kan announced that all supermarkets and large stores have become temporary shelters. All water, food, and daily necessities in the supermarket can be taken free of charge, all costs are borne by the Japan government.

That contry earthquake.
The Prime Minister came to the disaster area and said to everyone: I am late.

Japan earthquake.
The original magnitude was 8.9 on the Richter scale. After several hours of correction, it changed to 8.8.

That contry earthquake.
The original magnitude was 7.8 on the Richter scale. After several weeks of correction, it was changed to 8.

Japan earthquake.
A magnitude 8.8 earthquake killed 300 people.

That contry earthquake.
A magnitude 8.0 earthquake killed 100,000 people by official statistics.

Japan earthquake.
Take refuge in a supermarket for up to 10 hours. After eating, drinking, and sleeping, everyone started to leave the supermarket without any garbage, just like nobody had ever stayed. The Japanese are really perverted!

No earthquake in that country.
After a big event it was the same as the earthquake.

Japan earthquake.
The ruling party's public self-criticism did not do a good job of forecasting, did not do a good first response, and the rescue work was not implemented quickly enough.

That contry earthquake.
We are united to rebuild our homes. "Because the terrain is dangerous, it is very difficult to implement the rescue." Put it 10 times a day. "The army has all worked hard to put in rescue work, and it is intensive and orderly." Put it 100 times a day.

Japan earthquake.
HNK's live broadcast of all disasters and news and forecasts, other TV stations are as usual. But everyone still cares about the disaster for 24 hours.

That contry earthquake.
The function of the TVs disappeared for hours. One channel appears on all TVs. The ratings are 100%.

Japan earthquake.
That country's largest television station is still broadcasting their large political conferences, inter cuttng the earthquake in Japan. Only one TV station can broadcast the situation in Japan through the live broadcast of foreign countries and the reporters who are connected in Japan.

That contry earthquake.
Japan television stations have 24-hour subtitles scrolling the disaster situation and current assistance. NHK live broadcast of the disaster.

That contry earthquake.
Donation boxes are available on all streets, 24-hour stores, public washrooms, and vending machines in Japan. When my friend was shopping in Lawson, he saw every Japanese throw money in. The Japanese government requires the rescue team to set out asap,  waiting for that country to say yes! So all rescue teams stood by at Narita Airport all night. The Japan Liberal Democratic Party rented planes at its own expense to deliver supplies to Chengdu. When the Japanese rescue team dug up the body in Beichuan, someone kneeled in front of the body and wept for their powerless. All the members mourned for 3 minutes in silence.

Japan earthquake.
A forum from that country posted a "celebration of the Japan earthquake", a total of 8480000 replies were sent. What a strong and united nation!


In addition, there are some comments under this article originally, many people are attacking, asking me why I donate to Japan. I replied a few comments before giving up the argument. Unfortunately, this is the voice and attitude of most people on the Chinese Internet. That's one of the reasons I moved my blog.

Updates 2024, on the land of the United States:

More than a decade has passed and China today is still the same, even worse.
Most Chinese people still hate the civilized world and the people they have never met, for no reason.


  1. 日本地震死伤人数少,看过一些资料主要是由于他们属于多震国家,对于房屋建筑的防震有着丰富的经验.中国发生地震的地方多是农村山区,我查了一些相关资料;




  2. @老周 恩,我和作者Jovi都偏右,不過我看文章說的是事實,並且贊同。

  3. 其实就震后救援方面,我只有两点极不爽,一是刻意隐瞒,二是借灾褒扬。中国灾难中也不乏那些真诚之人,文明之事的,只是没人去让他们展现在眼前罢了,而且我也不愿意他们被展现,因为那样又成了某AV的工具而已。

  4. @Tealun Du 加上一條:善款被貪污。

  5. 很多东西,没必要刻意去加上政治,我们都是老百姓。

  6. 不得不说,中国还很落后。

  7. @老时

  8. 其实这种讽刺的口吻我很不喜欢,像“某国地震了,某国的XXX不停的播报,领导非常重视亲临现场,此次地震真的真的是百年一遇,大爱无疆,众志成城,重建家园。多难兴邦。”这些有何不好,难道想我们都垂头丧气,悲哀到极点去救灾?生在“某国”,就算有很大意见,也不能拿这种口吻和方式去贬低自己国家。请热爱我们这个还不太完美的国家吧。

  9. 对于博主你不在国内捐款我支持,但对于你捐款给日本,我保留意见。

  10. @Healson 沒關係,立場不同很平常,感謝評論。博客我訂閱了。:)

  11. 这个无觅网在wp中是如何使用的?插件?还是?

  12. @老周 這個是插件+網站控制台。我已經給你的信箱發送了邀請碼,不妨試試吧。

  13. @Velanlee
    谢了,我已经装上了.我看说明 这个插件还可以显示其他网站的文章,不过目前我看都是显示自己网站的.

  14. @老周 那需要到設置與你連接的網站。

  15. 我通过Paypal捐了25刀,Google那个途径我是后来才看见的。

  16. 补记:你公开发这类文章,我很佩服,换了自己大概做不到。

  17. @Tealun Du


  18. @剑书 寫出自己的想法,我不覺得有什麼不妥。呵呵,歡迎歸來!

  19. @Velanlee

  20. @剑书 我這邊正常,該不會是偉大的牆折騰的吧?

  21. @Shawn Lee

  22. 是Comment Reply Notification。

  23. 我GOOGLE了下,有不少人反馈这个插件失效的。其实我觉得这个不错:

  24. @剑书 我也是用的这种方式。HOHO。

  25. @剑书

  26. @剑书 感謝建議,我有空就把這個替換下。另外Tealun老兄可以找我幫忙。

  27. @Tealun Du

  28. 自然灾害面前,人类都是朋友


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