In Google We Trust

I was busy all day until I found a list of articles in Google Reader during dinner, all about Google's quit from China. has redirectd to

This day should have come long ago. If Google compromises, then we have made the wrong choice.
Now what can we do besides cheering Google? Google is indeed our Google!

Even if Google is blocked, we will, must, able to use Google.

Extended link: The following links have been blocked in China.
Mainland China service availability
Google quits China, vilify campaign begins


  1. 不说别的,一家独大的局面更加恶心了。

  2. 呵呵, 其實也沒啥影響.
    1, 只會用百毒的用戶他們覺得根本就無所謂;
    2, 偶爾用一下谷歌的用戶很快就會適應;
    3, 你我這樣的重度用戶一樣有辦法繼續用.


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